terms and conditions

The present Terms and Conditions are applicable to the utilisation of the website,, and its associated channels, including the utilisation of your Sportsflix iD on any Sportsflix platform, referred to as “the Sportsflix Site.”

By using the Sportsflix Site or your Sportsflix iD in accordance these terms and conditions, You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. If You do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, You should not use the Sportsflix Site or your Sportsflix iD.

The Terms and Conditions are subject to periodic revisions, necessitating frequent review on your part. By use the Sportsflix Site and/or your Sportsflix iD, you are acknowledging your agreement with the terms and conditions in effect during that period.

In order to uphold our dedication to cultivating a Sportsflix Site that garners repeated visits, we cordially invite you to provide feedback on the policies and regulations outlined above.

1. Definitions

The term “you” refers to the individual using the Sportsflix Site, while the possessive form “your” should be understood in a like manner. The term “We/Us” refers to Sportsflix. The term “Our” should be understood in the same manner. The term “Sportsflix Site” must be defined as stated above. The term “User Information” refers to the personal information that individuals may supply to us via the Sportsflix Site. The term “users” refers to the individuals or collective group of individuals who use the Sportsflix Site, as determined by the specific circumstances. The term “website” refers to a location or destination on the World Wide Web.

2. Acceptable Use

It is expected that you will adhere to the following terms while use the Sportsflix Site:

2.1 Users are prohibited from posting or transmitting any material on the Sportsflix Site that is defamatory, threatening, obscene, harmful, pornographic, or otherwise illegal. Additionally, users must not post or transmit material that would violate or infringe upon our rights or the rights of others, including intellectual property rights, rights of confidentiality, or rights of privacy. Such actions may cause distress or inconvenience and are strictly prohibited. It is essential to refrain from articulating viewpoints that are vulgar, crass, sexist, racist, unsubstantiated, or baseless claims, particularly those pertaining to wrongful actions, or any other kind of objectionable expression. It is essential to always exhibit respectful behaviour towards other Users.

2.2 Users are prohibited from uploading, posting, or transmitting any content that contains any kind of improper material:

  1. a) Any personally identifiable information, whether pertaining to oneself or another individual, such as complete name, residential address, telephone number, or email address;
  2. b) Spam, in the form of promotional content for other websites and services, or any other kind of commercial solicitation, including chain letters, pyramid schemes, polls, or petitions;
  3. c) The act of inundating the discussion boards with an excessive number of posts, postings without meaningful content, posts that are irrelevant to the issue at hand, or posts that have no purpose other than to artificially increase the post count;
  4. d) Discussions that deviate from the main subject, lack relevance to addressing the current problem, exhibit repetitiveness or promotional intent, endorse items or services from external suppliers, or engage in any kind of corporate or product abuse;
  5. e) Frequent or persistent concerns over the policies implemented by Sportsflix;
  6. f) The discourse around the actions taken by moderators on the discussion boards. In the event that you want to provide feedback over a moderator’s activity, kindly direct your message to any administrator or moderator;
  7. g) The act of sharing or transferring any data or software that includes a virus, worm, Trojan horse, or any other detrimental or harmful element;
  8. h) Providing a hyperlink that leads users to any material or content that, if shared on the platform, would be considered a breach of the established guidelines or terms of use. Sportsflix has no responsibility for the material found on other websites, and users assume all risks associated with their use of any hypertext links provided on the forum.
  9. i) Engaging in acts of aggression, such as “Flaming,” against another user with the intention of provoking or perpetuating debates or conflicts; adopting usernames with the purpose of launching attacks on the identity of other users; Engaging in the act of assuming the identities or misrepresenting oneself by falsifying personal information or credentials; creating posts using alternate usernames or aliases with the intention of either endorsing or disparaging others; violating the privacy of any participant by disclosing personal details such as name, address, phone number, email address, or any other identifiable information.
  10. j) Please provide the URLs of other websites that may potentially host objectionable or unlawful content.
  11. k) Publications that violate legal statutes, or promote or endorse the violation of legal statutes. These offences include libel, contempt of court, and violation of copyright.
  12. l) Recommendations that may lead to a violation of the warranties associated with Sportsflix products or equipment.
  13. m) Recommendations that might lead to a violation of the terms and conditions of a Sportsflix membership.
  14. n) Recommendations that, if adhered to, may lead to physical damage or injury.
  15. o) Conversations pertaining to items and/or services that are subject to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

2.3 It is imperative that users refrain from engaging in any kind of ban or suspension evasion, as well as disregarding any instructions or directives provided by moderators or administrators.

2.4 The user is obligated to refrain from using the Site, or any of its components, for the following purposes:

  1. a) Request personal information, such as email addresses, contact details, passwords, or any other type of personally identifiable information.
  2. b) Encourage engagement in public discourse, deliberation, commentary, or involvement outside the confines of this platform.
  3. c) Engaging in the act of disseminating inaccurate or deceptive details on oneself or one’s enterprise, or fabricating an artificial persona, or making an effort to assume another individual’s account or identity (including with the intention of accessing the customer’s account functionality, as outlined in Section 10).

2.5 The Sportsflix Communities retain the authority to oversee the content posted on their platform, including communications exchanged between users, in order to maintain an organized and structured display of information. In order to ensure efficient site management, Sportsflix has the authority to appoint anyone, including employees, to assume the roles of moderators and administrators (“Moderators”) for the site. The designated Moderators are the only representatives of Sportsflix who possess the authority to oversee the management of the Sportsflix Communities. Individuals who are not officially recognised as Moderators or Employees within the Sportsflix organization are prohibited from presenting themselves as employees of Sportsflix on the site. Employees who have been granted authorization by Sportsflix are easily identifiable by their designation as “Employee” and/or the use of an official Sportsflix emblem as their avatar. Sportsflix has no liability for the material disseminated by any Sportsflix staff member who does not possess the official designation of Moderator or Employee.

2.6 Users are prohibited from posting or sharing any content on the Sportsflix Site that they do not own, unless they have obtained explicit permission from the material’s owner.

2.7 Users are prohibited from engaging in activities such as copying, downloading, reproducing, republishing, framing, broadcasting, or transmitting any content found on the Sportsflix Site, unless it is absolutely required for their own non-commercial home use.

2.8 Accessing the Sportsflix Site using automated methods or any other means with the intention of scraping, extracting, or collecting any content from the site (including TV listings) for use on a third-party website or application is strictly prohibited.

2.9 Participants are required to adhere to the particular regulations and guidelines of any competition or promotion in which they engage on or via the Sportsflix Site. Unless otherwise stated, all prize drawings and contests provided via the Sportsflix Site are restricted to those residing inside the Malaysia.

2.10 Users are prohibited from engaging in any activities that may compromise the functionality or security of the Sportsflix Site, or that may unreasonably inconvenience, offend, or disturb our personnel.

3. Third Party Websites

3.1 The user acknowledges and agrees that the responsibility for the availability of any third-party websites or materials accessed via the Sportsflix site is outside of our control.

3.2 The endorsement and accountability for any information, advertising, goods, or services on or accessible via such websites or material are not supported by us and will not be assumed.

3.3 All transactions between the user and any third-party advertisers or merchants on or through the Sportsflix Site, including the purchase and delivery of products, services, and any other related terms, conditions, warranties, or representations, are the responsibility of the user and the respective advertiser or merchant. Hence, we disclaim all responsibility or liability for any potential loss or harm that may arise from such transactions. In the event that you engage in the direct purchase of products or services from our company, it is important to note that section 11 of the aforementioned terms and conditions will be applicable.

4. Intellectual Property

4.1 The ownership of all copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights in any material or content provided on the Sportsflix Site will always be retained by Us or Our licensors. The use of this information or content is only allowed upon receiving written authorization from Us or Our licensors. Users are prohibited from copying, reproducing, transmitting, distributing, framing, commercially exploiting, or creating derivative works of any material or content. Users are also prohibited from assisting or facilitating any other person in engaging in such activities.

4.2 In the event that you become cognizant of any such dissemination or use for commercial purposes, you thus consent to promptly inform us.

4.3 The user acknowledges that by uploading content on the Sportsflix Site, they give a permanent, irrevocable, royalty-free licence to Us, Our licensors, and assigns, allowing the use of the materials both inside the Sportsflix Site and in any other way, globally. The licence covers the acts of copying, distributing, broadcasting, transmitting, modifying, and altering the contents.

5. Liability for and information provided on the Sportsflix Site

5.1 The content shown on bulletin boards or chat forums is authored by users, and we assume no responsibility for, nor do we promote, such content. The authority is retained to observe the submissions provided and may engage in responding to or providing commentary on communications initiated by the user. Additionally, the ability to modify, decline to publish, or eliminate any material from the bulletin boards and chat forums is held at our complete discretion. The absence of action to remove specific content does not imply our sponsorship or approval of such content.

5.2 The Sportsflix Site does not assume responsibility or accountability for the content, accuracy, timeliness, or reliability of any information or comments found within it. Additionally, the Site is not accountable for remarks, advice, and/or views expressed by Users on the bulletin boards and chat forums, unless as required by law. In the event that you have any claims stemming from the conduct or words of another user, it is agreed that you will alone pursue such claims against the respective user and not against us.

5.3 We shall make every effort to ensure the provision of the Sportsflix Site with utmost diligence. With the exception of legal obligations, our organisation disclaims any responsibility or liability for the quality, accuracy, or suitability for a specific purpose of the Sportsflix Site. We cannot guarantee uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Sportsflix Site, including its material and functions, or its server. Furthermore, we do not guarantee that the site will be free of viruses or bugs, or compatible with any other software or material.

5.4 The party responsible for any deceptive misrepresentations and any instances of death or physical damage resulting from carelessness will be held accountable. We will not assume responsibility or liability for any additional loss or damage incurred by you or any third party due to your use or association with the Sportsflix Site.

6. Safety

We express our continued dedication to guaranteeing user trust in using the Sportsflix Site via our safety policy. When using the Sportsflix Site, namely its message boards or discussion rooms, it is essential to always adhere to the following precautionary measures:

6.1 It is advisable to maintain confidentiality about one’s personal identity. It is advised to refrain from disclosing personal details such as one’s complete name, residential address, phone number, email address, school name, or any other information, unless explicitly asked, since it may potentially facilitate the identification of one’s true identity.

6.2 It is advisable to refrain from engaging in face-to-face meetings with individuals whom one has only encountered via internet platforms.

6.3 It is advised to refrain from responding to communications that exhibit hostility, rudeness, or inappropriateness, as well as those that elicit discomfort.

7. Indemnity

As a business user, you are obligated to provide indemnification to us, as well as any of our affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, promptly upon request. This indemnification covers all claims, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses, including legal fees, that may arise from any violation of the terms and conditions outlined herein by you or any other liabilities that may arise from your utilization of the Sportsflix Site.

8. Termination

The termination of a user’s access to the Sportsflix Site may occur promptly if the user violates or is suspected of violating the terms and conditions, or engages in behavior that is deemed objectionable by the site administrators.

9. Feedback

If you have any comments or concerns about the Sportsflix Site, please feel free to contact us using the Feedback Form provided on the Sportsflix Site.

10. Sportsflix iD

Section 10 pertains to individuals who utilise a Sportsflix ID on various Sportsflix platforms. This section should be read in conjunction with the preceding and subsequent terms and conditions, as well as any other applicable terms and conditions specific to the platform in question. Special attention is directed to paragraph 2, which pertains to appropriate usage, paragraph 5, which addresses responsibility for material presented on the Sportsflix site, and the current paragraph 10.

10.1 The process of registration and related procedures. Registration is a must for engaging in some aspects of In order to register as the principal user, it is necessary to own a subscription to Sportsflix’s digital services. However, it is permissible to designate guest users from the same household, provided that they grant their approval. In order to enroll as the principal user, it is necessary to provide us with precise and comprehensive information, which encompasses your viewing card number. In addition, it is necessary to choose a username and password. In order to designate a guest user, it is necessary for the individual to offer a distinct username and password that vary from those of the principal user.

10.2 The user is requesting a username and password. When selecting a username, it is required to use a least of six and a maximum of forty alphanumeric characters. In academic writing, it is important to consider the appropriate use of URLs, domain names, underscores, full stops, and certain special characters such as -=[];’#,./!” £$%^&*()+{}:@~<>?. The use of the aforementioned item is strictly prohibited.

When selecting a password, it is recommended to adhere to a character length ranging from 7 to 25, including both alphanumeric characters, and it should be devoid of any spaces. It is advisable not to use obvious dictionary words eg password or consecutive numbers or letters or obvious personal information such as children’s name, pet’s names or date of birth. It is advisable to avoid using the same password as the username, name, or email address. Additionally, it is recommended not to reuse passwords when selecting a new one.

It is the responsibility of every registered user to ensure the security and appropriate use of their user credentials, including their username and password. Users must refrain from sharing this information with any external entity, whether by direct communication, website interactions, application interfaces, or any other means. The prompt emphasizes that it is the duty of every registered user to promptly change their password in the event that they suspect it has been hacked. It is recommended to periodically update these particulars, even if they are not deemed vulnerable.

10.3 The potential outcomes of an individual’s employment status may include termination or suspension. The account registration of a user may be suspended or terminated in the event of a violation of the terms and conditions, specifically paragraph 2 (acceptable usage).

10.4 The removal of inactive customer account profiles. In the event that your account registration profile is inactive for a duration of 30-day or more, it is possible that we may proceed with the deletion of such profile from our systems, without providing prior notification to you. In order to get future access to, it is necessary to through a re-registration process, which entails creating a new username and password while providing updated personal information.

11. General

11.1 The concept of invalidity and related matters. In the event that a court or regulatory body determines that any provision within these terms and conditions is deemed unlawful or unenforceable, such provisions will be removed and excluded from these terms and conditions. The other sections of these terms and conditions will remain fully effective and in force.

11.2 The legal framework that regulates and governs the actions and decisions of individuals, organizations, and institutions within a particular jurisdiction is often referred The terms and conditions, as well as the Sportsflix Site, are subject to the jurisdiction of Malaysia law. The resolution of disputes may be facilitated by the use of the Malaysia courts.

11.3 The concept of third party rights refers to the legal recognition and protection granted to individuals or entities that are not direct parties to a contract or legal agreement, but who may nonetheless The present terms and conditions are applicable to the contractual relationship established between the entity referred to as “Us” and individuals referred to as “Users.” No one other than the party in question is eligible to receive advantages as outlined in these specified Terms and Conditions.

Last Updated: 10/08/2023

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